Please see below message from YRC Companies regarding upcoming service holidays :

Dear Valued Customer,

Please note that although you see December 23rd and December 31st as a service holiday……the terminals WILL BE STAFFED.   We will make deliveries and pickups on those days…..and the DC’s are working.

We simply show them as Service holidays because freight that is picked up on the evening of December 23rd may not move into the network.

Please advise if you have questions…..

Brand              Service Holidays

YRC Freight    Service holidays on December 23rd, 24th, 25th, 31st and January 1.
Holland            Service holidays on December 24, 25 and January 1

Reddaway       Service Clock off December 21 through January 4.   But, customers can expect normal service except on December 24, 25 and January 1

New Penn       Service holidays on December 24, 25 and January 1