Below is a communication from YRC regarding COVID-19 and service to the San Francisco Bay Area:
YRCW is committed to serving our current customers in these challenging times. This is the best information we have at this time and please be aware it can and will change as we progress.
- We will be metering freight into areas effected, which could cause some service delays. To clarify, we will trap freight towards origin distribution centers to not overwhelm an effected terminal like San Francisco.
- This event is an Act of God and reimbursements will not be issued on Guaranteed or Time Critical Freight.
- Please ensure your clients are not sending freight to closed consignees.
- This will choke our network.
- Accessorial like storage, reconsignment, redelivery, etc. will apply.
- Once freight is on handed to storage, liability will be reduced to that of a warehouseman.
Is YRCW impacted by any of the business and travel restrictions being imposed by various states?
- We are aware several states, counties, cities and other localities are establishing quarantines, curfews and other prohibitions. We have reviewed the first group of these restrictions and, typically, they do not cover the movement of interstate freight or interfere with our local freight operations. As a coast-to-coast interstate carrier, we have asked the United States Department of Transportation to monitor these restrictions and, if appropriate, take action to ensure there are no impediments to interstate commerce.
YRCW companies are considered “essential” business – we remain open and able to operate within all states, with the following exceptions, which we continue to monitor and update:
- As of Thursday, March 19, YRC Freight and Reddaway are operating under restricted delivery services in the San Francisco Bay area. While a major competitor has embargoed freight to/from the Bay area, our network can service current customers in these zip codes. We will accept inbound freight business, subject to conditions* and with our best faith effort to deliver freight on time. While YRC Freight and Reddaway continue to accept time-critical and guaranteed deliveries for the Bay area, we can’t honor the time-critical guarantee parameters until further notice. We are implementing operational strategies as we continue to move freight under very challenging business conditions, with many closures in the Bay area.