YRC has announced the below embargoes. These will be blocked in our rater as well.
Due to the recent weather activity we are needing to implement a temporary network relief plan for Nashville and Memphis TN:
Nashville and Memphis TN YRC and Holland– effective today 2-25-21 through Sunday (suspension on pick-ups) goal is to return back to normal Monday 3-1-21
In bound Nashville TN Holland Only – effective today 2-25-21 though all next week (suspension on IB shipments ) goal is to return back to normal Monday 3-8-21 (IB zip code list will be sent)
Guaranteed Shipments Suspended Holland Only entire network– Effective 2-25-21 through all next week goal is to return back to normal Monday 3-8-21
Due to the recent weather activity we are needing to implement a temporary network relief plan for Nashville and Memphis TN: