Please see below from YRC:

Good Morning,

  Just a friendly reminder of our new Driver Handheld process around Accessorial charges.  Nothing needs to be done but in case you see charges provided and not on the DR this has been something new we are training our drivers to account for in the handheld device for the service that is needed or performed.  These charges will be valid unless proven otherwise but wanted to make sure you were aware.

IT enhancement that will automatically apply the delivery accessorial selected on the driver handheld to the shipment.  There has been an IT enhancement to our driver handheld devices where the driver will be selecting and verifying services he provides at destination. These accessorial listed below, like liftgate, inside delivery, sort and segregate etc. have always been charged through our DR/BOL process. By utilizing the handhelds we believe we will improve the capture of these accessorial. Please understand your customers could see an increase in the number of charges  they receive. If so, this is due to an improvement in our processes.

The delivery accessorial on the handheld are listed below. Detention will not be applied to the shipment when selected on the driver handheld; we will be removing detention from the YRCF handheld at a later date. Construction is specified on the Reddaway handheld, it rolls up to Limited Access when the charge is applied. The other Brands will select Limited Access when at a Construction site. We plan to have all handheld accessorial conform in later updates.

Additional Service



Sort and Seg

Detention (YRCF Only)

Inside Delivery

Home Delivery

Limited Access

Construction (RETL Only)