R+L has communicated that effective 5/24/2021, the below embargoes will be enacted . The affected ZIP codes have been blocked in the TFM system.

Embargo – No I/B Shipments allowed to be shipped from the U.S. to the below markets until freight clears out

CHI Chicago, IL

POR Portland, OR

SLC Salt Lake City, UT

Guaranteed Service (GSDS) turned-off in the following markets


BSD Boise, ID, DVR Denver, CO, OAK Oakland, CA, POR Portland, OR, PHX Phoenix, AZ, RNO Reno, NV, SLC Salt Lake City, UT, SAC Sacramento, CA, TAC Tacoma, WA, SWA Seattle, WA, TCS Tucson, AZ



PHI Philadelphia, PA, PRV Providence, MA, BOS Boston, MA, MAN Manchester, NH, SCR Scranton, PA


HST Houston, TX, WLR Waller, TX