Below is a message from Holland regarding  service:



Status Update as of
10:30am on 2/16/21

For real-time status updates, visit our website.


Service Alert

Winter weather will cause service delays for 02/16/2021.

The following terminals within the Holland footprint are impacted.

AK Akron Limited operations
AP Appleton Limited operations
BR Birch Run Closed
BU Buffalo Closed
CH Chicago Limited operations
CI Cincinnati Limited operations
CL Cleveland Limited operations
CO Columbus Limited operations
DN Danville Closed
DA Dayton Limited operations
DR Decatur Limited operations
DE Detroit Limited operations
EV Evansville Closed
FW Fort Wayne Limited operations
GR Grand Rapids Limited operations
HU Huntington Limited operations
IN Indianapolis Limited operations
JA Jackson Limited operations
JO Joliet Limited operations
JP Joplin Limited operations
KC Kansas City Limited operations
KN Knoxville Limited operations
LE Lexington Closed
LI Lincoln Closed
LO Louisville Limited operations
ME Memphis Closed
NA Nashville Closed
OM Omaha Limited operations
RI Rock Island Limited operations
RO Rockford Limited operations
SI Sikeston Limited operations
SL St Louis Limited operations
SB South Bend Limited operations
TO Toledo Limited operations
WH Wheeling Limited operations
YT Youngstown Limited operations
LN London Limited operations
MT Montreal Limited operations
OT Ottawa Limited operations
TR Toronto Limited operations
WR Windsor Limited operations


We appreciate your business.

For real-time service updates throughout the day, please check our website.