FedEx has provided the below service updates.  The affected ZIP codes have been updated in TFM’s system.

·         The Cinnaminson, NJ (CIN) Service Center will lift the inbound suspension effective Tuesday, May 25, 2021, and normal operations will resume for most accounts. We will continue to monitor our network for ongoing capacity constraints and provide updates as needed.

·         The St. Louis, MO (STL) Service Center is facing severe capacity constraints. Pickups may be deferred until the next business day.

·         FXF Service Centers currently 2+ Days behind for deliveries:

·         (ALB) – Schenectady, NY

·         (AVO) – Abington, MA

·         (CIN) – Cinnaminson, NJ

·         (SEA) – Seattle, WA

·         (STK) – Stockton, CA

·         (TAC) – Fife/Tacoma, WA