Below is a message from Estes regarding Guaranteed service:

As a result of the severe increase of Covid-19 throughout the state of California and in Portland, OR, we are temporarily suspending the financial guarantee for our Time Critical services both inbound and outbound to these geographic areas.   The suspension of our “best in class” financial guarantee is expected to end effective January 4, 2021 depending on the impact to operations of the pandemic in CA and Portland.

We have updated the service points file to reflect this change.  Time Critical quotes for service moving within the Estes Network will not be generated via MyEstes, Kuebix or any API/EDI enabled electronic interface during the suspension of the financial guarantee.

This unfortunate action is required due to the operational challenges presented by the pandemic in these two geographic area.

We are adding this announcement to our Service Advisory section on the Estes web site to help inform customers and provide a point of reference for internal customer support team members.

Time Critical Exclusive Use service will remain available and quotes will be produced on our website and via web services for this premium guaranteed time critical service.