Changing Warehouses Leads to Freight Savings



  • Claims Services
  • Custom Reporting
  • LTL Contract Negotiations
  • Parcel Optimization
  • Product / Warehouse Location Analysis
  • Transportation Management Services (TMS)
  • Truckload

Lower spending + sharper reporting + smarter contracts = big savings

This client was looking to move warehouses at their Chicago location, but they were unsure of the move’s potential impacts to freight. Once they narrowed down their location options, Target Freight ran an analysis to see which location would have the fewest disruptions to their existing business and the requirements of their customers. We worked with the previous warehouse to move stock to the new one and trained the new warehouse staff on our TMS, which made for a smooth transition.

After the move, we were able to secure the client new pricing in a more ideal market and drive savings from 7.5% to 15.49% in 3 months. This client’s customer base has very strict deadlines. We worked with the client to build custom reporting that helps them monitor critical shipments during chaotic times in transportation.

The client also requested our free Parcel Optimization Analysis, as well as coaching on the contract process. Sure enough, more savings were found! Since beginning this service in late 2020, the client has saved just shy of $100,000, steadily holding at 19.7%.


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